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2023-24 PTA GOALS and initiatives

The goal of our PTA is to create an active partnership of parents, educators, and the local community in order to support the needs of our school and foster the success of our students.


This year, our PTA is focused on accomplishing the below initiatives:


  • Encourage and strengthen the sense of community within PES

  • Improve communication between the PTA and PES families, teachers, and administration

  • Promote and support the educational needs of Panda students by giving financial and tangible support to meet classroom and other school needs

  • Increase awareness of the role the PTA plays at PES

  • Encourage the participation of Panda families by joining the PTA, attending events, volunteering, and parent education


How will we accomplish these initiatives?




You = parents and guardians of PES students

You = PES teachers and administration

You = relatives and community members that care about and support our local school and its students


Whether it's by donating your time, your expertise, or your money, there are a multitude of ways to help the students at Pittsboro Elementary. We hope to see you out at events and around school this year!


Interested in learning more? Join the PTA today or contact us at





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